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Angus Stone | Park West Chicago

I draw inspiration from many sources. Mostly from what is close to nature, which speaks about truth and is far from what’s contrived.  Life has proven to me over and over again that the pure beauty is usually found in simple things.

My Philip is growing up and I feel a huge responsibility to teach him right things. One is that I would like him to learn how to recognize and appreciate those beautiful things and never dismiss it because of its simplicity.  So I am always looking, and when I find something that inspires me or brings me joy I share it with him.

I found Angus and Julia Stone’s music while doing some cruising on You Tube. That day it was the sole thing I listened to. Their music and lyrics suit me so well. I was so happy I found it.

It’s has been almost a week since Angus Stone solo concert in Chicago.We took our son with us so he could experience  live concert for the first time. Today Philip came up to me while I was doing some editing and he asked: “Is this Pangus mamma?”  I responded: “ This is Angus not Pangus”, then he said ”Pangus play guitar and sing? … Philip wants to listen with mamma.”

And so we did turn the music on and together enjoyed something very simple…

  • mel - it’s hard to take a decent pic in a dark place like concert hall… well done 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Deena - This photo’s are so beautiful! you really captured angus’s soul and beauty with your camera! I am seeing him in perth in november and looking at these photos make me more and more excited!ReplyCancel

  • kolleen - beautiful photos …

    love that you took your son to see Angus … what a cool memory to have … Angus Stone being his very first concert!ReplyCancel

  • Wes - We love Angus and Julia too. It’s so cool you took Philip.ReplyCancel

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