“Yes! To this thought I hold with firm persistence:
The last result of wisdom stamps is true:
He only earns his freedom and existence
Who daily conquers them anew.”
Freedom has so many faces. Freedom of choice, political freedom…the list is countless, but for me the most important one is inward freedom, the one that is responsible for who we are, the one that allows us to feel ourselves and therefore truly experience our own existence. And when the opportunity presents itself… enjoy moments of pure happiness when they fall upon you!
Being able to slow down and spend time with my family, enjoy the beautiful colors of the ocean, sun and then warm rain, long breakfasts and lazy afternoons, was truly magical and free like.
We went to the place that has great combination of fun and laid back people, good seafood, great art and of course free roaming chickens that boldly walk the town streets, creating quite an inimitable scene. Key West is a very unique place, definitely does not lack character, just perfect for my taste.
I think the best part though apart from chickens of course, was just letting my son take naps in our bed, watching him fall a sleep and then seeing him waking up. I loved how it brought a feeling of freedom, and how that allowed me to experience this moment fully.
I guess what I was trying to touch on is that the journey to look for ourselves could be difficult and very long but it is extremely important and essential to fulfilling our destiny.
The amazing feeling of freedom follows next.
Artists: Zbyszek Koziol , Scott Gruppe
by Aneta