As I was about to dial the number to Juli I recalled the image of her standing under the slim stage light with her eyes closed. She looked so peaceful and delicate. It seemed like she was almost not there but yet her presence was so strong in the sense. That was when I saw her for the first time perform with her music band Into the Real.
We spoke about life and little things that make her happy, things that are meaningful to her. She said, “ Our house is surrounded with beautiful old trees.” She mentioned the big tree that grows in front of her house that she passes by each morning when she leaves for work.
I felt welcomed and could not wait for that day as I had this overwhelming feeling that I am about to meet someone very special.
One of the magical moments that I will remember from that visit is when Juli played and sang the song she wrote a while ago that holds a special meaning to her. She said: “ I call it Luz.., Luz is for Light…Light that came through the window when I saw Chris for the first time”
Thank You, for letting me into the real.
[audio:|titles=Luz (Waking Up)]Music Credit: Into The Real, Luz
by Aneta
Juli - Oh, Aneta… You are a wonderful photographer and a very special human being. It was such a pleasure spending time with you. And as we all can see, it was worth every minute. Thank you so much for leading us through the spontaneous into the real, and for being able to capture it in such a beautiful way, allowing us to remember it forever.
Sushma Webber - Hi Aneta, congratulations on this spectacular work with Juli and Chris. Juli is a very special friend and you have captured her beauty, her playful self as well as her intense side.