I got a call from Jackie a few months back. She wanted to gift her parents with a photography session to celebrate their 30 years of marriage. She talked about her family and how much love they have for each other and how it would be meaningful to document that. I could not wait to meet them and when I did I felt nothing but inspiration. Dee and John’s love is like this mature and deeply rooted tree that will keep on standing no matter how strong the wind is . Dee said that we all love differently and the relationship is about learning about each other, accepting and teaching. It could be long and bumpy road but its ok as long as you heading towards the same goal.
I was driving back home after our session and I was reflecting on all the feelings this experience brought to me. I was thinking, Love is amazing and it’s meant to be expressed. We withhold our feeling too often, but there is nothing more beautiful then expressing and then receiving. The loving look, and caring touch, the softly spoken “ I love you” words that come from the deepest place in the heart. All of that and more if shared can only make us better.
by Aneta
Agi Davis - Beautiful story! Inspiring words!